Exponential Mindset

“Enlightenment begins when you change your mindset – from a blaming mindset to blessing mindset, from a negative mindset to positive mindset, from fixed mindset to growth mind set, from linear mindset to exponential mindset.”

― Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

What is an exponential mindset?

An exponential mindset refers to that state of unshakeable attitude often aspiring for more significant changes. The outcomes of such an attitude keep accelerating with time but often unnoticeable at the beginning.

The exponential mindset is the art of belief in the self and belief in one’s skills. Put another way, exponential mindsets allow an individual to examine their past as a means to outline how they may be able to have a successful future. An exponential mindset holds that a person’s past allows for future goals to be set and achieved in a speedy manner. An exponential mindset is beneficial because it allows individuals to take stock ofwhat they have, it allows people to establish themselves in the present, and it allows people to establish goals to achieve in their future.

The importance of people acknowledging the successes that they have achieved in their life is one strong reason why having an exponential mindset is beneficial. An exponential mindset requires that people look at the achievement they have made in their past. Examining what an individual has accomplished within a time frame, say five or ten years, allows someone with an exponential mindset to take stock of their successes. While these successes and timelines are looked at as a blueprint for future accomplishments. the fact that these past successes must be examined allows individuals to feel proud of their achievements. This is important to humans, to ensure that we are able to take satisfaction from the things that we have accomplished in our lives, rather than always reachingout for some greater success or achievement.

The importance of people remaining present in their lives is a second reason why having an exponential mindset is beneficial. Looking back on the past and the accomplishments that an individual has achieved within a particular timeframe forces a person to take a moment to stop in the now. A person has to acknowledge the successes that they have achieved and needs to examine those successes in the moment. While the ultimate goal of an exponential mindset is to establish future goals, the basis of takingstock of all that a person has in the moment is a pivotal part of delineating the timelines for past from future goals. Sitting in the now is important for all humans, and it can be hard to do in the modern age of constantly moving forward. Taking the moment required to consider future goals is the best means by which an individual with exponential mindset can appreciate the moment in which they currently sit.

The means by which people can establish goals for themselves in their futures is a third reason why having an exponential mindset is important. An exponential mindset dictates that if someone was able to accomplish goals a, b and c within five years, or ten years, then they should be able to accomplish similar goals in less time moving into the future. This means that people with an exponential mindset know how to best make sure of their skills and their learned experience to improve their lives in myriad ways. Setting goals moving into the future is important because it provides humans with aspirations and hope. This helps to ensure people remain actively engaged in their societies and their own lives.

Exponential mindsets allow people to effectively engage in their lives in the past, the present, and into the future. The benefits of an exponential mindset are broadly aimed to the future, but they also allow people to be actively appreciative of their past accomplishments, firmly ensconced in their current state, and to actively engage in goal setting for their futures. Exponential mindsets put high expectations on individuals but they also deliver confidence that past successes can dictate and influence future successes.

How to build an exponential mindset

Building an exponential mindset is not an easy task; you need to be committed and unshaken and, most importantly, set only achievable goals. If you have a linear attitude and wish to change it to an exponential mindset, the following steps or tips will help you achieve that.

  • Launch uncertainty and Vision

In the launching state, you need to develop and refine your model. The right thing to do here is to pivot besides leaning the startup approach and iterating. You will require to think in the right way. Having an exponential mindset will help you become more comfortable with uncertainties while being ambitious with your vision.

  • Build patience and courage

Patience and courage play a vital role in the creation of an exponential mindset. Here you need to manage your uncertainty, take a step, and begin a new journey even if you might not be assured of the future. A powerful motivator here is the envy of unicorns and fear of disruption. Things are bound to happen slowly and so you should be patient enough for them to happen. Do not measure success incrementally or linearly because sometimes success is not what we see but rather the mindset. You need to have courage so that you can take risks because success is all about taking risks. If you are successful in this phase, you will have the courage to face uncertainties and the patience to get you going.

  • Control and Agility

This is the third phase, where you consider the result of the growth. The mindset of this curve ascertains the increment of the returns. Now what is expected here is how to control and manage the resources. Using the incremental mindset, it is essential to understand for more output; there should be more input. More results will help accelerate growth as it will be proportional to change. If you set the mind on the increments, there should be well-planning and coordination of events for the growth expected; these include steps to avoid more losses.


Despite what your dream goals are, you need to change linear and incremental mindset to exponential mindset. All beginnings require a plan, a vision, and a step of faith to dedicate yourself to the unknown. It takes patience and courage to create a foundation for success, even when the results are not visible. When growth comes in, the need for agility to empower others sets in, and here you will easily let go without losing control. Beat the challenge of unlearning the typical thinking ways and embrace the unknown, which will bring you the opportunity for real innovation.

Good books have been written on Exponential Mindset. Some of them include: –

Ø The Power Five Zone: The Five-Step Mindset for Exponential Growth, Effective Habits and Positive Thinking by R.K.Jacob.

Ø Power of Exponential Mindset for Success Leadership and Spirituality by Amit Ray.

Link for some learnings: –



Questions for reflection: –

What is something you have struggled with recently?

What do you tell yourself when you feel like giving up?

What keeps you going?

What are your fixed mindset triggers?

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