7 Habits of highly effective leaders

“The Three ‘C’s’ Of Leadership Are Consideration, Caring, And Courtesy. Be Polite to Everyone.”

—-Brian Tracy

Great leaders are strong business builders. They have the gift of creating a clear vision, believing in its fulfillment with every cell in their body, and inspiring others through heart-centered communication, to share their vision and act toward its creation. They can keep their image in the light at any time – especially in times of darkness when the world seems to be against its fulfillment.

It was one of my business leadership skills, but as I realized my new vision – serving a tribe of conscious leaders to change the world – I gained a more advanced level of awareness of the obstacles that stood in the way.

Realize your vision

I have come to believe that the only obstacle to achieving your vision is you – self-limiting beliefs about the patterns of emotional reaction that throw you from the center. The antidote is to see that these obstacles are just awkward thoughts to which we subscribe and to know that once inner clarity is reached, extreme clarity appears through new choices in the context of an extended possibility.

Here’s a 4-step template to help you break down the barriers between you and your vision.

1. The culture of CLARITY

Clarity is 1) a calm mind, 2) an open heart, and 3) a fearless soul. From this base, you can solve any problem and achieve any goal. And it starts with a mind that does not respond to the light, a diffuse energy bar that distracts throughout the day. Invest only in time, ideally in the morning and evening, and practice calming your mind. If you are feeling well, focus on your breathing to resist the present. From the peace of mind comes clarity.

2. The birth of INSIGHT

Have you ever had a flash of understanding – in which you suddenly came up with a solution to a problem that puzzled you or the resources to make something happen that you didn’t think existed. By cultivating clarity, you will be in a deeper connection with your authentic core. These flashes of perspective become the foundation of wisdom and release stress as you increase execution power.

3. FOCUS discipline

As we work and live in a crack berry culture, we submit to the tyranny of urgency, constantly besieged by an endless stream of bits and bytes that forces us to the next solution that distracts us. Also, there are so many agendas competing for our attention – our supervisors, co-workers, relationships, family, friends. When you cultivate clarity and insight, concentration can be achieved more quickly. You will still need to use good judgment and discipline to focus on what matters most, but the attention will be more natural from clarity and insight.

4. Devotion to GOOD ACTION

Fuzzy focusing is a common barrier that prevents so many people from feeling the joy of success. However, clarity can replace the confusion, perspective can replace analysis, and concentration can replace complexity. Then the right deed – the next best step – becomes clear not only to achieve your vision but also in the context of serving the whole thing – the triple bottom line – people, the planet, and profit.

As you go through your daily life towards your vision and obstacles appear, instead of resisting and strengthening the barrier (what you resist persists), you gain gratitude for the gift of the block because this is your teacher – the mirror of your inner world. Then transcend it by cultivating wisdom and justice – this is the real business game.

5. Habits are seldom, if ever, innate but rather require work, commitment, and effort to develop. The first ingredient and foundation of a good habit know what to do. This knowledge comes from real training, a desire to learn, an authentic experience, developing expertise, and becoming a wiser leader. There is no shortcut to gaining knowledge. Perhaps that is why so few people are willing to put in enough effort and time to learn all that great leaders need to know correctly. Without this knowledge base, how could one develop a positive, productive, and meaningful habit?

6. However, only knowledge is useless unless it is used to achieve goals, etc. Therefore, true leaders engage in as many relevant activities as possible to improve and develop the necessary skills. These skills appear gradually as the combination of experience and knowledge begins to create real expertise. Without the knowledge needed to understand all the manifestations and nuances, understanding alone rarely turns someone into an expert, which must be our most influential leaders. Skills include self-confidence, decision making, motivational skills, communication skills, effective listening, concentration, etc.

7. Unfortunately, even when one acquires knowledge and skills, there is no guarantee of excellent Leadership. This is verified only when an individual possesses the desire and commitment to do what others are often unwilling to try or even foresee or understand. Great leaders want to make a difference and thus focus on their viable vision and achieve the goals needed to succeed.

Leaders Must Be Careful of Their Habits

One of the first things leaders need to acknowledge is that they do not represent themselves and speak only for themselves but are seen by others as their representatives and spokespersons of their organization. This often requires a complex process and exceptional attention to ensure that their words and actions positively represent their organization, putting it continuously in the best light. Warren Buffett discussed this paradox concisely and precisely when he said, “The chains of habits are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” An effective leader should keep in mind that he controls his habits not to hurt the group he represents.

1. Each of us has certain habits, peculiarities, or peculiarities. As an individual, although certain habits may not be beneficial or appropriate, these are personal issues. Some may refer to specific problems of hygiene, toilet, clothes worn, tone of voice, tobacco or alcohol consumption, etc. However, people who want to be influential leaders need to assess and address how others perceive their habits and whether these perceptions (and opinions expressed) can hurt the effectiveness of their Leadership. While a person can decide to dress in any outfit they want, a person in a leadership position should wear clothes that present the appropriate message. Many aspects of communication are non-verbal, and therefore, leaders should be careful to convey the wrong message through their behavior. It is always a good rule of conduct to avoid closing the public, if possible.

2. There are some slightly more subtle habits that great leaders have found to address to improve their effectiveness. What does the body language of others say? For example, someone in charge may not even realize that what they consider correct while sitting is to send an unwanted message to others. Does the leader make significant eye contact, or does he or she tend to look elsewhere? Does the leader’s position seem welcoming and friendly, or does their habit of crossing their arms make the other suspects nearby, etc.?

How many times have I heard the expression, the force of habit? While it is true that habits can be a powerful force, all great leaders have come to understand that they need to address their habits to have a positive impact on their Leadership. We all have good habits and some less desirable. Someone who wants to be an effective leader takes actual steps to evaluate and act on these negatives.

With over 30 years of experience in sales, marketing, training, management, and operations, Richard Brody has trained sales and marketing in many industries, held hundreds of seminars, appeared as a company spokesman on over 200 radio programs and television. He negotiated, organized, and organized hundreds of events.

Essential Habits and Principles for Great Leadership

You’ve probably heard that many people are born leaders. However, lead is an art and requires learning a solid set of skills and principles, then perfecting those skills and putting these principles into practice at the highest level. Legendary football coach Vince Lombardi said this about excellent Leadership: “Leadership is not just about talent, not just skill; having the ability to drive is not enough. The leader must be ready to use it. His Leadership is then based on truth. and character. So, what are some of the essential habits and principles that will help you and your customers become great leaders?

In researching an answer to the above question, we found the following to share as habits and principles essential to excellent leadership development.

+ Be an example of absolute integrity. Great leaders maintain their integrity 100% of the time.

+ Be a visionary and declare your vision. An outstanding leader shares the stated vision, anticipate the future and identifies opportunities before others.

+ Be a lifelong learner. Great leaders will dedicate themselves to this and will spend every day dedicating themselves to learning something new.

+ Be surrounded by beautiful people. Success is not a solo achievement, and great leaders are dedicated to others’ success and success.

+ Be an excellent communicator. Simple and straightforward written and verbal communications are essential for good Leadership.

+ Be dedicated to creativity and innovation. Great leaders anticipate new approaches to long-term problems and are willing to try things that others would not think of trying.

+ Be inclusive. Another habit of great leaders is to exchange information with employees and customers and look for opportunities to tell everyone what they need to know to accomplish their tasks and achieve their goals.

+ Be inspired. Great leaders are encouraged and able to provide and promote an environment that motivates themselves and others to higher performance levels. Excellent Leadership is also committed to delivering exceptional results.

+ Be positive. Great leaders will develop and promote a positive attitude every day and look for opportunities to turn disadvantages into advantages and expect positive results.

There are far too many creative, charismatic, and energetic wild people who lose this part of the success equation. Most of us are not strong enough to consistently make the most successful choice unless we create tools to focus on that path. Life is too hard, too fast, and too complex to believe that we have enough will to navigate productive everyday patterns without habits.

Habits are how our brain frees up space for thought. Usually, we don’t have to overthink about brushing our teeth, showering, or driving. During such tasks, many of us do our best because the activity in which we are involved is a habit, and our brain does it automatically without too much conscious help from us. The same characteristic of our brain can also lead to incredible success if we use it correctly. I’m sure we all know people who are addicted to food, as well as people who are addicted to exercise. They have built habits around those things that either serve them well or prevent them from doing what they want most in life.

Habits take time to develop. We need to use an extraordinary amount of energy, concentration, and willpower from the very first stages to make things happen. But if we manage to get through this phase, habits, over time, begin to act on their own. Then we move from working for our habits to our working habits for ourselves. The key is to consciously choose the habits we will build instead of letting them happen. Yes, we need to develop the right skills to become leaders who can make a difference. But we can all count far too many people who had the skills and still failed to achieve everything they could or wanted. When we combine what we are capable of with habits that promote success, we begin to unleash our full potential.

Keep in mind that people who tend to read many books tend to improve in many life areas. It has been found that being an avid reader can have the effect of helping a person develop their mental abilities. Indeed, it has been said that great leaders are great readers. So, it could be seen as very important to create a desire to read. It has been said that it takes 30 days to develop a new habit; to develop the habit of reading by practicing the habit of reading for 30 days.

Good books have been written on “Leadership”. Some of them include: –


Ø The Leader Habit: Master the Skills You Need to Lead–in Just Minutes a Day by Martin Lanik

Ø The Truth About Leadership, by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

Ø Tribes, by Seth Godin

Link for some learnings: –


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