Great leaders of the world

 “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

 – Harry S. Truman

The world has seen many eminent personalities who have revolutionized the world as a whole. These were the people who had the vision and the passion for making a change. They remained focused on achieving the goal. Indeed, many obstacles stood in their way, but nothing could stop them. Here are some of the famous success stories.

Bill Gates is the president and founder of Microsoft Corporation. He is a well-known entrepreneur who has given miracles and wonders to this world. His love and interest in programming lead to technological innovation. He was a very focused person from the beginning. He started his job as a personal computer software developer. His passion and immense work allowed him to succeed. He transformed the world with his invention of personal computers. His efforts and achievements are remarkable throughout his life. He is the youngest self-taught man, the richest man in the world. He founded Microsoft in 1975, which had a dream and a vision to advance software technology and make it easier to use since its inception. He strongly believes in perfection and excellence. In June 2006, he began working for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and began charitable work to serve humanity, which she also does exceptionally well.

Ahmed Akbar Sobhan, known as Shah Alam, is the chairman of the Bashundhara group in Bangladesh. He began his journey with a vision and achieved outstanding achievements through his struggle. The company aims to serve the people of the country without compromising excellence. It has conquered the market for years and created many jobs for the population. The group has various projects in various fields, namely paper mills, cement mills, convention centers, the largest shopping center in the country, and many more. The company continues to thrive and has many other goals to achieve.

Mukesh Ambani is the President of Reliance Industries Limited of India. He is the second richest person in Asia and the owner of the most prosperous sports in the world. He completed his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and then joined Stanford University to study for his M.B.A. He left his studio at Stanford and returned to join his father’s plan to build a polyester filament factory. He joined Reliance Industries in 1981. He expanded the company’s business by expanding production facilities. Reliance Communications Limited started. His other remarkable achievement is the development of the world’s largest oil refinery in India. He has done much to stimulate India’s economy. He has received numerous awards for his achievements. The world has acknowledged his efforts. He used his engineering knowledge and M.B.A. skills in the most efficient way to best serve his country.

Hakim Muhammad Saeed is famous for Hamdard Dawakhana and higher education institutions such as Hamdard University. He was an entrepreneur, innovator, intellectual, writer from Pakistan with various skills. The institution is renowned primarily for traditional medicine, and its outstanding work has been recognized by the W.H.O. He was a great leader. He used his knowledge of herbal medicine to treat patients around the world. He was also governor of Sindh.

The Skills That Will Make You a Great Leader

Have you ever heard the phrase “leaders are made, not born”? Well, it is. Although we are born with certain innate qualities that help us shape our personalities, they must be nurtured to rise to the surface. Growing specific attributes is the key to becoming a leader, and to be a great leader, and you need to have the right skills. But what skills are required to make you a great leader? Keep reading to find out.


The first thing you need to be a great leader is honesty. Without honesty, you have nothing to do. As a leader, you are responsible for important things, whether it is a specific project or a job, or a team of people. What you do and how you do it reflects you, your business, and your employees. Making ethical and honest choices is the foundation of leadership. If you do this, you show others that you expect them to do the same. If you act dishonestly, people who follow you may do the same.


To be a great leader, you can’t be shy or afraid to give direction. Part of the leadership is delegation. The key to proper delegation is developing confidence in your team (which you gain through honesty) and the ability to know each person’s strengths and weaknesses. A leader needs to know what tasks to delegate to which person. If you can’t delegate, you’ll find that too much has fallen on your shoulders, so that’s an essential part of leadership.


Communication is vital for both honesty and delegation. If you know exactly how you want something to be done and explain it to those in charge so that they only receive blank looks, there is a problem; obviously, you don’t communicate well. To be a great leader, you need to communicate effectively. This means talking and meeting with the team regularly, not just giving instructions and making them available without additional assistance.


To be a strong leader, you must also have a strong sense of commitment. Leaders cannot move from one goal to another. It would help if you decided what needs to be done to achieve your goals and then stick to your plan. Commitment is probably the most challenging skill for anyone. Life comes with many challenges, and there are times when we all want to give up our goals. But to be a leader, you cannot give in to the desire to give up or change course. Please get involved in your projects and follow them. Even though it may be difficult, reaching the end of the road will give you a sense of satisfaction and confidence, which is the next essential quality of a great leader.


Finally, a great leader must be confident. Without confidence, you cannot develop your other leadership skills. If you do not trust, your team/followers will not trust you. If your team can’t feel good about following you, you will fail as a leader. Trust is not something you can fake, so you have to work on this aspect of your life to become and remain a great leader.

Top Qualities of a Great Leader

Here are nine main features that make a great leader!

1. Copy

A great leader sets an example and acquires management skills that inspire others to join him in the exciting project of building an excellent organization. He demands of himself the same level of professionalism and dedication that he expects from others. If he expects the team to be optimistic and friendly, then he makes sure it is. If the written reports are expected to be error-free, check your paper or ask for a second pair of eyes. He also has excellent skills in distributing tasks properly among his people, while he will do his best to ensure that the agreed objectives are achieved.

2. Visionary

A great leader has a clear vision of himself and his people. He draws his staff’s support and commitment to achieve the goals by committing to lead and ensure that his staff accomplishes the vision. He takes the time to explain to his staff or team how their missions and projects fit into the organization’s overall goals and objectives. This will help demonstrate how each task performed can impact the organization’s reputation and success.

3. Optimistic

A great leader is optimistic. He or she has a positive mindset and positive role models. He sees possibilities as “impossibilities.” He believes that there are always better alternatives for every problem.

4. Inspirational

A great leader praises the efforts and achievements of their team. This will not only increase their confidence but will also encourage future contributions and efforts. Praise does not always have to be formal. Praised employees can be part of the daily communication with the team. Ken Blanchard suggests that managers take an extra minute to praise, criticize or make sure the instructions are understood.

5. Reliable

To be a good effective leader, you need a mixture of two elements: charisma and aptitude. You must be a whole person; someone people trust and are willing to follow. To be trustworthy, you have to be reliable. It would be best if you also believed in yourself, your organization, the essential goodness of your products and services, and your people. It would be best if you thought that you are offering a great product or service in every way, a product that makes a difference in your employees’ or customers’ lives.

6. Diplomatic

Although he is very good at making his staff understand the organizational vision, he is also excellent in human relations. A great leader is a great listener, emphatic, compassionate, and knowledgeable about connecting teamwork inside and outside his organization.

7. Creative

Becoming a great leader requires courage and creativity. So, an effective and great leader must also be creative. He is always looking for better ways to manage and develop his organization.

8. Decisive

A great leader makes decisions and sticks to them. He knows that people do not feel comfortable with someone who changes his mind on a whim. A humble, confident leader can make decisions without fear of making mistakes. Employees lose confidence in managers if they deny the repercussions of a decision they have made.

9. Scholastic

They become good leaders, not born. Therefore, good leadership is learned. And so, anyone who has the will to learn, can become a great leader. Therefore, a great leader must be a passionate student and engage in continuous improvement of his abilities to better meet the growing challenges.

Learn How to Emulate Great Leaders

There are a lot of questions that could be asked about driving. The first could be why it would be helpful to be a leader or why it would be good to be a great leader? The first question could be answered by examining what you want from life? It would also help consider what benefits you could get from becoming a truly great leader or leader. And what can you do to imitate a great leader?

Benefit others

You may want to benefit others. You can see that you are a person who gets great joy from the inspiration of other people. You may also find that you have a passion for helping people make the most of their efforts. For whatever reason, you need to be very clear about why you want to be a leader. The answer to the second question might suggest that you are already a leader, but that you want to be a leader and a great leader. So, what are the steps you can take to become a great leader?

Trained by a master

One of the keys to becoming a great leader is to study the lives of people who are or have been great leaders. It is essential to look at the qualities they have and look at the things they do that other leaders do not. It also helps to be mentored by a great leader; mentoring is probably one of the most potent developing leadership skills. For example, if a person wanted to become a master pianist, a person would progress more effectively by being mentored or taught by a master pianist.

The concept of apprentice

The idea of ​​learning from a qualified teacher can be seen in the concept of apprenticeship. A person doing an apprenticeship is usually paid a lower salary rate but has the great advantage of learning and mastering a skill. The apprenticeship typically lasts between 3 and 5 years, but the apprentice will generally be a skilled craftsman once they are completed. This idea was also used in the business world, and Alan Sugar used the concept to recruit new business leaders in his companies.

Reading a key to development

They were reading books about successful leaders and studying the things that made them great leaders could add value to a person who wanted to develop a great leader’s attributes. Suppose we look at Napoleon Hill’s example, who studied and researched 500 self-made millionaires over 20 years and discovered 16 things that successful people constantly do. He recorded these results in a book called “The Law of Success” and found that success begins with longing. He also found that leadership is closely linked to the initiative. Leaders are people who work on their enterprise. He discovered that leaders were people who did things without being told. We saw that the people who became leaders were not invited to participate but became leaders by taking the initiative.

Good books have been written on “Great leaders”. Some of them include: –

Ø Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t by Jim Collins

Ø The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John C Maxwell

Link for some learnings: –

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