The art of Presentation

“If you don’t know what you want to achieve in your presentation your audience never will.”

 – Harvey Diamond

Are you missing potential clients despite the perfect mix of good content and the best presentation design? Well, you probably need to work on your presentation skills. All too often, due to anxiety over persuading clients, many companies fail to pay enough attention to their presentation skills. This may seem a small thing at first, but it could have a significant impact on your business in the long run. Improving and developing your skills can cost you a lot of time, but a good start doesn’t cost you anything. Are you confused about how to get started? Well, don’t worry, we’re here to help. Follow these five steps, refine and familiarize yourself with presentations.

Be a conversation

Do you remember at school where the bad speeches at the gatherings made you yawn and fall asleep? Well, it happened because it’s hard to engage the human mind in one direction for a very long time unless there’s an exciting movie going on, of course. Therefore, it is best if you keep your show talkative. It helps keep the client’s mind active and also helps you stay active throughout the presentation session. Also, keep it casual (keep the professional alive) and add some humor (only if you’re good at it) in your content. Many companies tend to lose customers due to their inability to hold their customers’ attention for a long time. Therefore, having a conversation is of utmost importance.

Patiently answer:

You may be well aware of your product or service, but your customer is not. They may ask questions to clarify the presentation. It is your responsibility to respond to them calmly, patiently, and confidently. Don’t forget to wear your smile while responding. The clearer your answer, the more likely you are to impress a customer. Therefore, it is also imperative that all of your answers are sincerely ready. Many companies include a separate round of questions and answers at the end of a presentation, which often brings them points. It shows that you worked hard on your presentation and are ready for any future challenge. So, set a timeframe, say about three to five minutes at the end of the presentation, and the day is all yours!

Well conclude:

As much as you need to focus on the introduction, you need to focus on your conclusion or sometimes, more! This is because about 70% of people remember how things ended rather than how things began. Therefore, a wise and positive conclusion can cast a spell on a client. Companies must understand some important things while preparing their presentations. Their presentation design must be the best among other competitors, and it must convey all necessary information about your product or service that you provide. Most importantly, it must have an end Positive. It is bound to impact the customer significantly, and who knows, they will all be yours.

Take your time

For many people, speaking English is a challenge that you want to speak correctly, have exceptional grammar, and impress your audience. But there is a big problem.

When speaking to a highly educated audience, someone will probably know an ambiguous rule of grammar. Someone will discover some funky punctuation marks. Someone will have a perspective on the structure of the sentence that it does not have.

Let me tell you why I’m saying this. I grew up speaking English. My mother studied English. We are corrected continuously in our daily conversation. And I didn’t learn the official rules. I just learned by listening.

So, I make a point here. There is a lot to learn. People who grew up speaking English don’t know all the rules … so you shouldn’t expect to do that either.

If you are not a native speaker, one of the fastest ways to make you feel comfortable is to introduce yourself. Let the public know that English is a second language. And don’t worry. This is a very professional and acceptable job.

You will feel more comfortable. And your audience will be more forgiving, patient, and forgiving.

Practice, practice, and practice:

You should all be aware of the fact that “practice makes a man perfect.” Well, yes, it applies here as well. We understand your time is already running out, but what about working after regular business hours? Yeah! To make your presentation a success, you need to go the extra mile! Especially if you are new to your job and lack experience. The number of hours companies spend designing their presentations to achieve the best presentation requires investing the same number of hours in practicing their presentations. This builds confidence, boosts your energy levels, and creates a connection with what you’ve written in those slides. The more confident you are, the more likely it is to attract a customer’s attention.

In short, good content and a good presentation design mixed properly with the above tips can help you give you confidence in your business and boost your company’s reputation. Plus, be warm, be comfortable, work on your inefficiency, improve it, and you’ll finally be ready to give your presentation and win your customer’s heart.

Finding Your Presentation Style

There is little value in attending a sales presentation training workshop unless you are open to improving your presentation.

In all of the workshops we’ve had over the years, we’ve found that the participants split into two primary mindsets:

1. Those who think that anything “new and difficult” is risky and should be avoided.

2. Those who believe that they can learn new skills and that their ability to speak persuasively can be trained and developed.

Few of us would say we present ourselves the same way now as we were in our teens. That’s because personal style changes over time. We make choices about how we want our style to evolve, and we can direct its evolution. We control how we present ourselves at home, at work, and play. Those who embrace the idea that exploring our full potential is the “work” of our lives are those ready to learn new ways to connect and inspire.

However, we found that many participants in workshops on presentation skills were delayed due to one of two egocentrism forms – either having an exhibition stand or a litmus position.

And show off

The first participant is so self-centered that he thinks he already knows everything he needs to know. He is an expert and does not need another ‘job’ to develop his persuasive skills. Unfortunately, his audience shuts down quickly due to his arrogance and inability to indulge others.

Each of these participants is overly self-involved. Their thoughts focus on themselves. Their ego is so dominated that they feel that they cannot do anything wrong like show off or that they cannot do anything right like a sunflower. These are the extremes. Nobody quite somehow. The point is, we all make mistakes, and we all succeed.

We are in “Business” to help workshop participants realize their full potential to communicate effectively. We need to help participants verify their ego at the door, so they are open to learning and making mistakes. Only then can they start working in the present, be aware of the audience and be original as they develop their presentation style.

We have found it extremely beneficial to encourage participants to act as servants of their audience and message. We encourage every presenter to imagine that they are only communicating the message to impact the audience significantly. This way, the presenters can be aware of delivery techniques but still be present. They learn to maintain their focus on communicating with the audience while choosing to move, speak, and accelerate their presentation in new, more effective ways. Their choices of how to present determine their style of presentation.

Qualities of A Good Speaker or Communicator in Any Situation

Strong fixation, sense of belonging, confidence in the physical elements: attractiveness, balance, breathing, space, postures, movement, gestures, coordination, size, weight, eye concentration, direction, etc., you cannot communicate effectively until you are strongly inherent in the world physics. For example, remember that fear is based on thinking, so fear leads you to an out-of-body experience. When you focus on the physical world, it also sets your thinking!

The ability to be responsible, aggressive, and committed at all times: your job is to be accountable on all fronts! Remember, your audience can’t relax until you’re busy!

Presence and high energy: Presence is the ability to live in real-time (solidify the physical elements mentioned above) versus psychological time or mental time. Mind time is also called memory-based behavior and relies on memory rather than creativity; Knowing the difference makes a big difference.

The desire or appetite to listen and watch: henceforth intention, clear postures, gestures, strong voice, and projection, as well as a vital leadership of the stage, movements, and direction. Coordination without a strong desire to be seen and heard will fail.

Awareness of self, audience, atmosphere, space, and all the elements that influence. The more details are identified, the more control is possessed and the more personal strength and sense of well-being.

Openness and acceptance: playing everything in public to the anonymous and expressing oneself instead of being suppressed. There are no neutral positions. Either I express myself, or I repress myself. The exposed nature of the public sphere makes it clear. There is a lot to learn about ourselves as we speak in public. When we are told to this, we increase our ability to express rather than suppress.

Relaxation and feeling of peace: it is the desire to release physical, mental, and emotional tension during the event as it develops. It is also the ability to relate to a room’s atmosphere or atmosphere rather than the things in it. The big picture always tends to be relaxing, as long as we are firmly established, as I mentioned earlier.

Ability to create and maintain a credible character: Here comes the courage to speak. It would be best if you made decisions about who to be wise in front of that person or the public. This is the creative and transformative power of better communication skills. We have to choose how we want to be seen.

Clear actions execute clear intentions: deeds are the messengers of my desire. Desire, desire, or hope is a static state and will not lead to the desired result. The intentions are the real generals of the army. They provide purpose, direction, and energy to our communications. A good strategy always depends on the relationship between intention (s) and conditions and obstacles to achieving the goal (s).

Familiar with the material presented: skills in serving the message or the desired results.

The above elements have the potential to elevate or negatively influence your speeches, presentations, and communications. I recommend that you continue to follow them by playing in your daily communications and presenting material to the public.

Presentation – Benefits of Remembering Your Audience

When you keep the audience in the forefront of your mind when you communicate, there are several real benefits. These include:

Benefit 1: You respect their time

Imagine participating in a presentation described as a 60-minute, 30-minute conversation before providing any actual valuable content. How do you think the reactions would be? Remember that people have many competing requirements in terms of their time, so respect this and focus on offering them as much as possible in the time available.

Benefit 2: Increases credibility

People who listen to a presentation live or want value. If you give value, you build your credibility as a person they can trust to provide them with tools, strategies, and ideas to help them get better results.

Benefit 3: You are entirely focused

When you remember your audience and what you want to create for them at the end of the communication, you focus on them and the results they want to see. This means that you are responding to what the audience needs rather than promoting yourself on a practical level.

Benefit 4: The more you buy

If you’re responding to issues that are important to your audience, create more support. For example, suppose you are a leader or manager and are particularly receptive to the urgent issues that your employees worry about. In that case, you are more likely to have their support in developing solutions.

Benefit 5: You are open to ideas

Many companies have to make difficult choices right now. If you remember the audience, you will probably accumulate enough time in your communication process to listen to the ideas and suggestions that the people closest to the delivery point have.


Communication is an excellent opportunity to get your message across and receive input from others.

Good books have been written on “The art of Presentation”. Some of them include: –

  • Speak to Win by Brian Tracy
  • Resonate by Nancy Duarte
  • The Visual display of Quantitative information by Edward R.Tufte

Link for some learnings: –,it%20throughout%20the%20whole%20presentation.&text=A%20presentation%20should%20always%20be,what%20you%20want%20to%20transmit.

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