Against The Storm: Secrets and Tales of Resilience and Grit

Book Cover: Against The Storm: Secrets and Tales of Resilience and Grit
Editions:Kindle - Kindle: ₹ 99.00
Pages: 113
Paperback - Paperback: ₹ 299.00
ISBN: 9789354930997
Size: 5.00 x 8.00 in
Pages: 174



Have you ever felt tired of your situations? Tired of problems? Enough of facing them everyday? And you go to sleep feeling spent!

And the very next day you are ready to go back to the grind! Back to win the world!

Do you want to know how some people can face life’s challenges easily while some give up?

Resilience is that important quality in life that helps us bounce back. It is that grit that helps us rise like a phoenix from the ashes, the psychological strength that helps us dodge the challenges life throws at us and protect ourselves from stress, depression, setbacks and trauma.

Do you want to build this quality that has made a difference in every achiever’s life? Do you want to know the secrets of this art to apply in your own life?

Grab a copy of this book and enjoy reading and become more resilient in your life.

5 Star Reviews By Readers On Amazon-

Ankit On 27th November 2021 wrote


This is a kind of self-help book, written very beautifully that can motivate you a lot. The idea behind the book is to make you more resilient so that one is able to deal with situations in life in an appropriate manner. The book energizes the body and soul and brings a sense of positivity.

Although there are various stories by different authors "Chapter 7 Against the storm by Sweta Samota." caught my attention the most.

The book tells us that although we may have various issues and problems but it is important to handle them and to do that we need to be resilient to absorb the impact.
Happy Reading


His_Reviews On 2nd December 2021 wrote

Really worth your time…

I have read a lot of self-help and motivational books, but I hardly read anything about resilience. Not just the concept, this book stands apart from the usual ones as it's not just the creation of one author. Eight talented authors have contributed one chapter each, and that makes it unique and more appealing. It is indeed an insightful read that anyone can give a read as I'm pretty sure that the book really worth the time you give for it.


Shweta Sinha On 4th December 2021 wrote

Read it for a better change….

is the ability to find
in the situations that would
otherwise overpower you.
Amy Tan

Against The Storm: Secrets And Tales Of Resilience And Grit is a nice pick in Self-help section.

The book is divided into eight chapters. Each chapter has an inspiring and a motivational story to tell. These didactic stories had a significant effect on our lives.

The book talks about the importance of Resilience and Grit in our lives to make us more focused and stronger. Resilience and consistency are correlated. If we want to be resilient, we must practice consistency. Lead your life with a purpose/goal. Chase your goal with hard work and consistency until you achieve it. Always do good if you expect to happen good with you.

The book has few shlokas from Atmabodha of Adi Shankaracharya and Shiv Tandav which are divine and enlightening.

Overall, I liked the book for its positive and practical approach towards life. On reading this book I got to know some important factors which helps in making our lives better.

Do read the book for a better change.


EnridaLakiang Lyngdoh On 13th December 2021 wrote

Great read

This is such a great book to read, one that can help us gain so much in life, the knowledge that can help us improve ourselves, which will later help us become better individuals in this world.

This great read is so inspiring, motivating and boost my confidence to a whole other level. It taught me so many elements of life that before reading this book, I would not have given it a second thought. Such a powerful book urging the readers to change their way of living life and do it the right way so that our future self will thank us for that. If you want to up your way of getting into your goal, this book is it for you.

It can be seen from the content shared on this book that it is well researched and a lot of effort has been put into publishing it. The content that is being shared in this book is extremely important and can helped us a lot if we are willing to implement it.

A beautiful book with many important facts and techniques. Do read it as you will gain so much from it. It is very insightful.


Karishma Pahuja On 16th December 2021 wrote

A step towards Growth

Life without problems is like food without salt. All the days are not the same. Sometimes we get tired of situations, it feels like giving up but it's not the solution to any problem. Resilience is that important part of our lives that helps us bounce back. This quality can change everyone's life and it will help you to stay away from toxicity. Do you also want to build this quality in your life? Will it work or not? How to start? Do grab this book, it will answer all your questions and help you in a best way.
Each story was short and crispy. Every author had well narrated it, showing how resilience can be used in life. At the end of all story secrets of that art were given to apply it in your own life. The plotline was gripping. The language used was simple and understandable. The cover and title matched the concept. Overall, it was a good encouraging read.

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