The Corporate Napoleon: Business Practices from the Greatest General

The Corporate /nepoleon
Editions:Paperback - Perfect Paperback: ₹ 299.00
Size: 15.00 x 21.00 in
Pages: 138
Kindle - Kindle: ₹ 49.00
Pages: 103
How much can the history of a man who lived more than 200 years ago tell us today? What can we learn from people who lived in very different times and dealt with very different problems? The Corporate Napoleon is a unique attempt to incorporate historical perspectives into business management. Following the story of Napoleon Bonaparte through his rise to the highest office in Europe and his subsequent fall and defeat, the book attempts to make them relatable to contemporary corporate life. The book attempts to blend motivational narrative into a historical framework for the enjoyment of a broad cross-section of readers.

5 Star Reviews By Readers On Amazon-

Rashi Meda On 27th December 2021 wrote:


Corporate Napoleon written on the basis of leadership and management. The book contains life, leadership and management lessons from Napoleon's history of conquering different countries and won much battles. How he did that. What was his speciality which made him the best leader? How he was able to lead his team and influence them the way he wanted. All the answers to his mystery elaborated here. The maintenance of all the information and the gathering of all that into one compilation was enlightening. The efforts that put into this writing made this recommendable. The book is surely a must read to understand the strength of leadership and how one can attain the position of being the best leader.


Vinay Chaurasia On 3rd January 2022 wrote:

 Highly recommended

The following book can help you create a greater sense of leadership style, so you can apply them inwardly, or to those around you. This is research-based, and still applicable today, making this a classic, must-read leadership book. No leader in history ever became one simply because he was a born leader. Leadership is not a talent, but a discipline that is forged through years of consistent work on weaknesses and development of strengths. This book consists of some strategies in regards to history's best leader Napoleon Bonaparte. He was a military and political leader in 18th century. This book depicts those lessons and their implications in today's leadership style.


Deepak Devraj On 8th January 2022 wrote:

 Valuable lessons from the life of a great leader

A very well written book about the life history of one of the greatest leaders this world has seen.The leadership skills demonstrated by Napoleon is very well described by the Author. These skills also teach valuable lessons to corporate professionals who are looking to move up the ladder in their organization.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn essential leadership skills from the life of a great leader Napoleon whom this world has admired.


Deepak Kumar On 12th January 2022 wrote:

 Must read

Corporate Napoleon is a volume which is based on the leadership qualities of Napoleon. No doubt, one of the most notable and greatest leaders in history is Napoleon Bonaparte. You'll get to learn about so many lessons which were smoothly explained in this book. It's not necessary to be in the war like him in order to imply all of them. All lessons were incredibly written with the practical implementation. Hence it comes handy. So, this book is a perfect informative and practical based knowledge for you.


Kedar On 5th February 2022 wrote:

 A very good parallel 17th century – 21st century

The author beautifully explained the parallels of 17th Century-Napoleon Era to the 21 St century recession and IT revolution era.

Napoleon won 90 percent of the battles he fought.He taught howtobuild leadership.

From an entry level to the General he got promoted in the army He knew the nuances at every level.That’s what modern day leaders must know.

What mistakes brought Napoleon down and what strategies took Napoleon up as a greater leader are certainly a learning for all of us.

Simple language and clarity in explanation make this book unique.

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