THE SILENT SCARS: Tales of unprecedented tears

Book Cover: THE SILENT SCARS: Tales of unprecedented tears
Editions:Kindle - Kindle Edition: ₹ 49.00
Pages: 168
Paperback - Paperback: ₹ 349.00
ISBN: 979-8834896517
Pages: 198


Everybody has a story to tell. Upheavals and downslides are part of every life. However, there are certain subtle elements in life that need to be identified by humans. These elements which are often overlooked turn into silent scars that define the way of living. Some of these incidents have been captured through a few short stories in this book. Similar things might be happening in your life too. It is never late to identify the aspects of your life that might turn into silent scars.
Each story here is a saga of contrasting emotions and various facets of humanity, which sometimes are amazingly misleading. The characters in the book are somewhat similar to the people around us, people whom we see and probably whom we know. Find out about them or probably you may discover your own story within!
They say that “Life is like a book: some chapters are sad, some happy and some exciting. But if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter holds.” So, turn the pages, read and identify the themes and stay safe, stay guarded and stay warned!

BUILDING BILLIONS: The Immortal Tycoons

Book Cover: BUILDING BILLIONS: The Immortal Tycoons
Editions:Kindle - Kindle Edition: ₹ 69.00
ISBN: B09W45R2J6
Paperback - Paperback Edition: ₹ 499.00
Pages: 221



Have you ever thought to yourself, why is it that some people are more prosperous than others? Is it that they were given more opportunities than some of us? Is it that they had extraordinary superpowers, and the rest of us were just ordinary? Did they have more hours in their day than the rest of us? Were they born genius while we were just average? Were they born with all the riches and the fame they currently possess? What do they have special that we don’t have? Well, all those and the other questions that you may have will be answered in this book.

The few people we chose to write on, we hope will be a guide and provide you with the enlightenment that you so desire.



5 Star Reviews On Amazon By Readers:-


Nasim Saba on 15th April 2022 wrote:

 Nice Read

✨This speedy read portrays the biographies of 20 renowned, fruitful characters.
Presently life is quick to the point that we wear not have sufficient opportunity to gain from our own experience along these lines its an incredible method for gaining from others error and qualities.

✨Moreover, it was a wonderful examining experience for me since I figured out such an enormous sum about their experience, changes throughout everyday life , point of view, obligations and considerably more

✨The experiences gave in the book are useful for anybody searching for an inspirational read.The book will likewise have a significant impact on your viewpoint about numerous things from an uplifting outlook.

✨The front of the book has every one of the characters showed and you could know not many of them. Generally speaking, it was an incredible book


Preetamona De on 30th April 2022 wrote:



This is an inspirational book shedding light on the life and achievements of some of the most eminent and brilliant entrepreneurs and billionaires of the world. Ratan Tata, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney are just some of the figures whose lives have been covered in this edition by Niraja Bandi. It traces their early lives to the moment that changed their lives forever. The narration is quite intriguing and captivating. One must read this book just to be charged up and diligently do what they do the best. I liked reading about them and inspiring myself to be the best that I can be. Recommended. Happy reading!


Shahrukh Ahmadon 7thMay 2022 wrote:



"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” -C S Lewis

Do you dream of success? Do the success stories inspire you? Then go, pick up this book, it's just for you. You might be familiar with Ratan Tata and Bill Gates. But what about Evan Williams and Gail Winfrey? Do you know their backstories? Just give it a read to end up inspired.

I appreciate the author for her research work. She has beautifully studied about 20 inspiring billionaires and presented them very well to the readers. The language is lucid, and the narration too. But is well-coordinated and presented to motivate the readers to work hard to achieve their goals.


Moksha on 23rd May 2022 wrote:

 Inspirational read


The book talks about many business tycoons, who have achieved success in their lives with their intellectual and hard work. The book also includes various pictures and famous quotes which make it more appealing. It has the potential to change your perspective about many things in a positive sense. This book is one of a kind. It is well woven where the author has written about Bill Gates, Ritesh Agarwal, Steve Jobs, and such inspirational people. The narration is so good. There are twists and turns that can create an impact. It speaks about 20 inspiring personalities who have done extraordinary things in their lives. It's a must-read. The language used is simple and lucid. Overall an inspirational read!


Mudit Kapoor on 16thJune 2022 wrote:

 A motivational read


'Building Billions: The Immortal Tycoons' by Niraja Bandi is a self-help non fictional book which will inspire you and motivate you to achieve success in your life. In this book the author talks about 20 billionaires who achieved heights in success through their intellect and hard work. Such famous personalities are: - Ratan Tata, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Ratan Agarwal, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, Jeff Bezos etc.

Hats off to the author for penning this book down to motivate the readers and research work done on the lives of the tycoons. Her writing style is smooth and flowing that makes it an engaging read. Language used is simple and easily understandable. The cover and the title of the book is totally relevant to the content. Pictures and quotes given in the book are readers friendly. I recommend this book to all.

In nutshell, a motivational read.

The Bitter Sweetness (Life of Mishthi): Emotions that stay forever

Book Cover: The Bitter Sweetness (Life of Mishthi): Emotions that stay forever
Editions:Paperback - First Edition: ₹ 349.00
Pages: 153
Kindle - Kindle: ₹ 49.00
Pages: 148
Does every love story end up in a fairy tale? Or Do they etch some pernicious memories lifelong? Here is a tale of a conglomeration of bitter-sweet and bizarre experiences in the life of Mishthi, in the quest to find an emotional balance between the torment of nostalgia and the promise of the future. This story brings about the bare truth of many tales buried under the layers of emotional prohibition since people generally try to keep them suppressed. This can have a semblance to your story too. The journey of Mishthi is one through the upheavals of time that brings forth the elements of unscrupulous sorrow, the agony of despair, the ignominy of betrayal, and the trauma of death! Will Mishthi ever find solace in the promise of the future amongst the ruins of the past and present? Life, after all, is not about only love and laughter…. Though, life should be about love and laughter!
Cover Artists:

5 Star Reviews By Readers On Amazon-

Varsha Tiwary On 7th January 2022 wrote:

 The Bitter Sweetness (Life of Mishthi)

This is a story of a conglomeration of bitter-sweet and bizarre experiences in the life of Mishthi.Being in the midst of the past and a blurred future, the protagonist tries to live in the present. The book is perfect blend of emotions,twists and turns. The language is totally liberal. The writing style of narrative is well paced. The title "THE BITTER SWEETNESS" truly suitable.I personally enjoyed this book and suggest to go for it.

Happy reading 📚


Aarushi Morakhia On 12th January 2022 wrote:

A great read

 ‘The bitter sweetness’ - the title itself speaks the story. There are enough bitter moments in the story that will break your heart and also some sweet moments to balance them out. Mishthi’s love life was never a cakewalk. I liked her character; she was mentally strong and the way she took care of her child was heart-warming. The book didn't introduce many characters, however, Tushar earned my favouritism throughout the read.

The climax twist was a complete shock, and I never expected it at any point. It is fast-paced, which helped me to swipe through the pages effortlessly and kept me hooked to the storyline. Some more editing in specific places is appreciated though. The narration is comfortable for the beginners and I'll recommend this to them as a light read while traveling.


Dhrub On 20th January 2022  wrote:

 Interesting read

Bitter sweetness is a story of Mishthi. The girl was trying to have a emotional balance where she can regain herself back after the ending of her relationship.

She was having a bad time between the tragic past and a blurry future where she was trying to move on and live in the present but however she wasn't getting success in that.

What's the destiny of her relation? Will she end up being a happy soul all alone or a story will present some fairy tale where Mishthi will be having all the love she deserves? Or something else?

Get your hands on this one to know the story of our Mishthi.


Debjit Sarkar On 23rd January 2022 wrote:

 Amazing story

Bitter sweetness is a story of a girl whose name is Mishthi. Mishthi is our protagonist. She isn't doing well in her life. Everything was very messy and complex for her. She is literally having the hard time because of ending of her relationship. But an end of some relation isn't the end of your whole life. So as Mishthi trying to move on with her life but as much as she tried, she failed. What's going to happen now? Will she be able to bounce back? Or some other character going to come here? What's the mystery of Mishthi 's upcoming life here? Grab your copies now to get to know the whole story.


Rashimeda On 1st February 2022 wrote:


Mishthi, who is torn apart by her past, tries to move ahead in life for the sake of her only son, with the help of her dear friend. Ever since she met Tanishq, her life took an unexpected turn. Their hate eventually turns into love and nothing was the same again.

It is a simple book with a lot of emotions. The main highlight is its realistic nature. The characters are well built and relatable. Remarkably, the readers may get transported to Mishthi’s feelings, crying and laughing with her. There aren't many twists but the story is nowhere predictable, or cliche. The events are well planned and executed. It is fast-paced and lucidly narrated. Overall, it would be a perfect pick if you are in for a light emotional read.

The Corporate Napoleon: Business Practices from the Greatest General

The Corporate /nepoleon
Editions:Paperback - Perfect Paperback: ₹ 299.00
Size: 15.00 x 21.00 in
Pages: 138
Kindle - Kindle: ₹ 49.00
Pages: 103
How much can the history of a man who lived more than 200 years ago tell us today? What can we learn from people who lived in very different times and dealt with very different problems? The Corporate Napoleon is a unique attempt to incorporate historical perspectives into business management. Following the story of Napoleon Bonaparte through his rise to the highest office in Europe and his subsequent fall and defeat, the book attempts to make them relatable to contemporary corporate life. The book attempts to blend motivational narrative into a historical framework for the enjoyment of a broad cross-section of readers.

5 Star Reviews By Readers On Amazon-

Rashi Meda On 27th December 2021 wrote:


Corporate Napoleon written on the basis of leadership and management. The book contains life, leadership and management lessons from Napoleon's history of conquering different countries and won much battles. How he did that. What was his speciality which made him the best leader? How he was able to lead his team and influence them the way he wanted. All the answers to his mystery elaborated here. The maintenance of all the information and the gathering of all that into one compilation was enlightening. The efforts that put into this writing made this recommendable. The book is surely a must read to understand the strength of leadership and how one can attain the position of being the best leader.


Vinay Chaurasia On 3rd January 2022 wrote:

 Highly recommended

The following book can help you create a greater sense of leadership style, so you can apply them inwardly, or to those around you. This is research-based, and still applicable today, making this a classic, must-read leadership book. No leader in history ever became one simply because he was a born leader. Leadership is not a talent, but a discipline that is forged through years of consistent work on weaknesses and development of strengths. This book consists of some strategies in regards to history's best leader Napoleon Bonaparte. He was a military and political leader in 18th century. This book depicts those lessons and their implications in today's leadership style.


Deepak Devraj On 8th January 2022 wrote:

 Valuable lessons from the life of a great leader

A very well written book about the life history of one of the greatest leaders this world has seen.The leadership skills demonstrated by Napoleon is very well described by the Author. These skills also teach valuable lessons to corporate professionals who are looking to move up the ladder in their organization.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn essential leadership skills from the life of a great leader Napoleon whom this world has admired.


Deepak Kumar On 12th January 2022 wrote:

 Must read

Corporate Napoleon is a volume which is based on the leadership qualities of Napoleon. No doubt, one of the most notable and greatest leaders in history is Napoleon Bonaparte. You'll get to learn about so many lessons which were smoothly explained in this book. It's not necessary to be in the war like him in order to imply all of them. All lessons were incredibly written with the practical implementation. Hence it comes handy. So, this book is a perfect informative and practical based knowledge for you.


Kedar On 5th February 2022 wrote:

 A very good parallel 17th century – 21st century

The author beautifully explained the parallels of 17th Century-Napoleon Era to the 21 St century recession and IT revolution era.

Napoleon won 90 percent of the battles he fought.He taught howtobuild leadership.

From an entry level to the General he got promoted in the army He knew the nuances at every level.That’s what modern day leaders must know.

What mistakes brought Napoleon down and what strategies took Napoleon up as a greater leader are certainly a learning for all of us.

Simple language and clarity in explanation make this book unique.

Sniffles and Smiles: A roller Coaster ride through the life of Bella

Book Cover: Sniffles and Smiles: A roller Coaster ride through the life of Bella
Editions:Kindle - Kindle Edition: ₹ 49.00
Pages: 155
Paperback - Paperback Edition: ₹ 399.00
ISBN: 9391537839
Pages: 155


Captivating smile and born under a lucky star, Bella was her father’s princess. Everything that she desired came to her doorstep in a wink of an eye. Her fortunate life became disastrous when someone she adored from the core became a demon of her life. Courageous Bella opted to fight while the vicious circle of her problems was not letting her move on with ease.

Baffled, she drove towards the horizon to fetch a solution and smashed her car. An angel came to save her, accompanied in quest of her lost hope.

Who was that Angelic figure?
How did he help her to recoup her faith in life?
Did she came out with flying colors or bowed down before the circumstances?

‘Sniffles and Smiles’ is a heartfelt tale of Bella and Andrew, who would promise to take your heart along with them and would gift you an unforgettable experience of life.

5 Star Reviews By Readers O Amazon-

Nikhil On 12th October 2021 wrote:

 A rollercoaster of emotions

A story about Andrew and Bella. As the name suggests, a rollercoaster of emotions, it will not be wrong to say that the book justifies its name. When you will go through the book, sometimes you will laugh and sometimes you would not resist yourself from weeping too. The characters in the book will make themselves a part of your life.


Mariya babu Marutholil On 19th October 2021 wrote:


When I finished reading this book, I felt my heart was full, my mind was filled with joy and eyes with tears for someone who fought through life and the other one who kept calm for the fighter as a beautiful support.

Bella was not new to me. I had found her in me, in my mom in other women around mewho had a strong will to overcome all.

The book is a perfect read, if u are interested to read something life related, magical and beautiful.The narration and language used is simple.A beautiful book.


Akshat On 27th October 2021 wrote:

 Fascinating story

"Sniffles & Smiles" is an emotional book by Niraja Bandi which revolves around the life of our protagonist Bella. Bella was a cheerful and happy girl who was her father's princess and loved by everyone in her family. One day her life took a disastrous turn which made it upside down and all her happiness turned into sorrows. Further, we will get to see a new character Andrew who was a emergency medical technician. Does Andrew have any role in Bella's life or the change which is happening in her life? Or there is something else which makes Bella's life like hell. Get your answers by reading the book and it will surely hook you up till the last page. I would recommend everyone to read this book.


Shreya On 30th October 2021 wrote:


This is a fictional story but shows a lot of life's reality.Bella, a young passionate girl who had the most loving and supporting parents and family she lived a life full of happiness and positivity. But life is the most unpredictable thing it always shows you the most unexpected things which shock and sometimes break you from within. Bella met with an accident along with a lot of people this changed her life totally and then Andrew, a medical technician helped her and many other people. He was really helpful and generous towards Bella and there was some kind of strange connection between them?

What happens in story next is really very interesting to read.
This story is full of struggles, emotions and twists definitely a page turner.

Narration done is very well, language used is simple and easy to understand and cover page of the book is also very beautiful.

Must read 👍😍


Vishal Yadav On 11th November 2021 wrote:

Interesting plot

From the cover of the book to the story of the book, from the title of the book to the writing of the book, everything is absolutely fantastic.

The language of the book is very simple and the story is heart touching, if you are planning to read something different, then definitely read this book once.

The Ones Who Dare-Beating All Odds

Book Cover: The Ones Who Dare-Beating All Odds
Editions:Kindle - Kindle Edition: ₹ 69.00
Pages: 178
Paperback - Paperback Edition: $ 2,000.00
ISBN: ‎979-8472561525
Pages: 200


Tales of  Glory from the darkness of hopelessness

Have you ever wondered or thought about the people we know, admire, and adore in the sports industry? What had their life been before all the glamour and glory? I am sure you must have thought while watching them onto the peak that, damn, they are so lucky; they have everything they could ever wish for, or sometimes that they are born with the silver spoons. They have all the luxuries and comforts one can ask for. Would you want to trade your life with their life? Would you want to have the same experience you see through all the glamour, fame, and money? I am sure most of us would not even think twice before accepting life like them. We would jump on our beds as high as we could if we could get an opportunity to have such an unforgettable experience by chance. You must wonder about the phenomenal powers they possess, which make them win over every obstacle that comes in their way. Watching them on the camera or live must have given you goosebumps and thought that they couldn’t be human. Were they born with all that talent and prowess, or were they just lucky in their lives? Is that luck available for any of us? If yes, then no need to wonder anymore. This book will glide you over their lives in detail and leave you in amazement that they are humans like us, gifted with one special thing- “The strength and zeal, that lies inside them, which gives them wings to fly high in this limitless sky.” We all possess these attributes, but a couple of times do not utilize them with diligence. This book will provide you all the obstacles and problems they overcame and how their experience can be helpful in our day-to-day lives.

5 Star Reviews By Readers On Amazon

Dr K.R.S On 24th September 2021 wrote:

A book on motivation based on empirical stories

Obstacles are the frightful things that we see when we take our eyes off the goal, said Aristotle. All the great and historic victories were crafted by determined and committed people who dared to overcome the obstacles and all the odds by their grit and 'enthusiasm' (read, God within). The life stories of 15 sports-persons captured in this volume vindicate that you're a product of your choice and not chance. They should inspire not only the sports-enthusiasts but anyone who wants to succeed in life 'beating all odds'. But a caveat: attributes within alone would not fetch the desired results; one should have positive attitude, abundance of willpower and a goal-focused mindset, as these stories would aver.
The author has done a splendid job. I recommend this book to all who want to discover their true inner self.

Aishwarya Dhal On 11th October 2021 wrote:


"The ones who dare" is a collection of success stories of 15 legendary sports personalities from all around the world who worked hard to become who they are today. The story about the struggles, but tried still and they succeeded.Totally loved the concept the author wanted to convey through the book to the audience by giving examples of the athletes. 

The writing style is flawless and the language used is smooth. Everything is very well presented in this book. The book Motivates one from the within. Everything is just very well framed. Cover and title go very well with the book. Words are very perfectly knitted.

I would love to recommend this book.


Samir Singh On 21st October 2021 wrote:

Must read

The book "The Ones Who Dare " is written by Niraja Bandi. The book is very well written and the author has tried to come up with a very different concept. The author has really tried giving the fellow readers an unforgettable message through this book. The book is centred around the notion ordinary people carry towards famous and successful sportsmen. It is mentioned in the book that we consider them lucky because they possess such great talents which could give them the future they want. But we never consider the handwork and grind that they have given in their initial days of career. The book is about those people who always look for the tallest tree in the garden but never water it when it was just a seed. Talking about the title of the book it is motivating in itself and very appropriate. The cover of the book is very creative and vibrant. The book is very recommended to everyone.


Ria Joseph On 24th October 2021 wrote:

A short inspirational read

The One's who dare by Niraja Bandi is all about famous athletes and their struggle to achieve their dreams despite their hardships, losses, insecurities, and disabilities. The athletes mentioned are P.T.Usha, Mohammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, Kart Warner, Lance Amstrong, Bhaichung Bhutia, Keiran Behan, Michael Oher, Bethany Hamilton, Romelulukaku, Stan smith, Victor Moses, Michael Phelps, and Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

This book motivates you to dream big and make them true. To reach our goals we have to face a lot of hardships and at some point, in time, we might feel to Give up but we should bring out the best of ourselves and never give up on the mantra of success. She also says that we should learn from our bitter experiences and work so hard that our achievements will be alive even after our death.

The language is kept very simple by the author, which makes it even easier for the readers to understand the content of the book. Squeezing the length of the book makes it a more interesting and shorter read. This book is interesting and very inspiring.


Harsh Shaw On 29th October 2021 wrote:

Nice book

This book " The One Who Dare " by Niraja Bandi is a book on inspirational non-fiction genre. It contains many stories of glory to inspire and motivate the youth towards gymnastics and sports.The athletes mentioned are P.T.Usha, Mohammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, Kart Warner, Lance Amstrong, Bhaichung Bhutia, Keiran Behan, Michael Oher, Bethany Hamilton, Romelulukaku, Stan smith, Victor Moses, Michael Phelps, and Mahendra Singh Dhoni.The moral of this book is to make us understand that we must keep going forward diligently and work towards our goal no matter how many times we fall. We must not be defined by our failures but only by our handwork and dedication.Overall, the narration of the book is a fast paced, language used is lucid. It's a full pack of motivation, if you enjoy reading motivational content then this book is for you.

Against The Storm: Secrets and Tales of Resilience and Grit

Book Cover: Against The Storm: Secrets and Tales of Resilience and Grit
Editions:Kindle - Kindle: ₹ 99.00
Pages: 113
Paperback - Paperback: ₹ 299.00
ISBN: 9789354930997
Size: 5.00 x 8.00 in
Pages: 174



Have you ever felt tired of your situations? Tired of problems? Enough of facing them everyday? And you go to sleep feeling spent!

And the very next day you are ready to go back to the grind! Back to win the world!

Do you want to know how some people can face life’s challenges easily while some give up?

Resilience is that important quality in life that helps us bounce back. It is that grit that helps us rise like a phoenix from the ashes, the psychological strength that helps us dodge the challenges life throws at us and protect ourselves from stress, depression, setbacks and trauma.

Do you want to build this quality that has made a difference in every achiever’s life? Do you want to know the secrets of this art to apply in your own life?

Grab a copy of this book and enjoy reading and become more resilient in your life.

5 Star Reviews By Readers On Amazon-

Ankit On 27th November 2021 wrote


This is a kind of self-help book, written very beautifully that can motivate you a lot. The idea behind the book is to make you more resilient so that one is able to deal with situations in life in an appropriate manner. The book energizes the body and soul and brings a sense of positivity.

Although there are various stories by different authors "Chapter 7 Against the storm by Sweta Samota." caught my attention the most.

The book tells us that although we may have various issues and problems but it is important to handle them and to do that we need to be resilient to absorb the impact.
Happy Reading


His_Reviews On 2nd December 2021 wrote

Really worth your time…

I have read a lot of self-help and motivational books, but I hardly read anything about resilience. Not just the concept, this book stands apart from the usual ones as it's not just the creation of one author. Eight talented authors have contributed one chapter each, and that makes it unique and more appealing. It is indeed an insightful read that anyone can give a read as I'm pretty sure that the book really worth the time you give for it.


Shweta Sinha On 4th December 2021 wrote

Read it for a better change….

is the ability to find
in the situations that would
otherwise overpower you.
Amy Tan

Against The Storm: Secrets And Tales Of Resilience And Grit is a nice pick in Self-help section.

The book is divided into eight chapters. Each chapter has an inspiring and a motivational story to tell. These didactic stories had a significant effect on our lives.

The book talks about the importance of Resilience and Grit in our lives to make us more focused and stronger. Resilience and consistency are correlated. If we want to be resilient, we must practice consistency. Lead your life with a purpose/goal. Chase your goal with hard work and consistency until you achieve it. Always do good if you expect to happen good with you.

The book has few shlokas from Atmabodha of Adi Shankaracharya and Shiv Tandav which are divine and enlightening.

Overall, I liked the book for its positive and practical approach towards life. On reading this book I got to know some important factors which helps in making our lives better.

Do read the book for a better change.


EnridaLakiang Lyngdoh On 13th December 2021 wrote

Great read

This is such a great book to read, one that can help us gain so much in life, the knowledge that can help us improve ourselves, which will later help us become better individuals in this world.

This great read is so inspiring, motivating and boost my confidence to a whole other level. It taught me so many elements of life that before reading this book, I would not have given it a second thought. Such a powerful book urging the readers to change their way of living life and do it the right way so that our future self will thank us for that. If you want to up your way of getting into your goal, this book is it for you.

It can be seen from the content shared on this book that it is well researched and a lot of effort has been put into publishing it. The content that is being shared in this book is extremely important and can helped us a lot if we are willing to implement it.

A beautiful book with many important facts and techniques. Do read it as you will gain so much from it. It is very insightful.


Karishma Pahuja On 16th December 2021 wrote

A step towards Growth

Life without problems is like food without salt. All the days are not the same. Sometimes we get tired of situations, it feels like giving up but it's not the solution to any problem. Resilience is that important part of our lives that helps us bounce back. This quality can change everyone's life and it will help you to stay away from toxicity. Do you also want to build this quality in your life? Will it work or not? How to start? Do grab this book, it will answer all your questions and help you in a best way.
Each story was short and crispy. Every author had well narrated it, showing how resilience can be used in life. At the end of all story secrets of that art were given to apply it in your own life. The plotline was gripping. The language used was simple and understandable. The cover and title matched the concept. Overall, it was a good encouraging read.

The World as a Neural Network - The Story of AI and our Future

Book Cover: The World as a Neural Network - The Story of AI and our Future
Editions:Hardcover - First Edition: ₹ 349.00
ISBN: ISBN-10: 1639045244, ISBN-13:978-1639045242
Pages: 134
Paperback - First Edition: ₹ 249.00
ISBN: ISBN-10: 1638505527, ISBN-13:978-1638505525
Pages: 134
Kindle - Kindle Edition: ₹ 149.00
Pages: 91


We are undeniably living in what has been called the ‘Information Age.’ The term encapsulates the growing necessity and ubiquity of information in our time, along with its total dominance of economic, social, and political processes as we know it. Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a revolutionary aspect of technological innovation in the first half of the 21st century. It is likely only to assume greater significance as these innovations become increasingly central to many of our societal functions as a whole. Yet, in terms of policy-making and public discourse, very little attention is paid in this regard. This needs to change.
Most debates that are actually held on the future of AI are usually made on a technocratic basis and have very little to offer in terms of a real understanding of the multifaceted challenges that face us in our own time. While we think about the future of AI, we either imagine pictures of an unhindered utopia or an authoritarian dystopia. Both attitudes are rooted in what can be considered an ‘undialectical’ imagination of the future where there is either a complete lack of understanding of the powers and limitations of technology and the overall contours of our social organization. This results from a lack of engagement between disciplines at the academic level and the segregation of knowledge into neat boxes and pigeonholes. There will, of course, be a transformation of the fundamental manner in which knowledge and information are organized in our world, and the resultant ripple effects will be felt all over. The only way we can understand the extent of the impact of these changes is by actually engaging with how AI is impacting our contemporary society.
We examine the multifaceted interaction between AI and its associated technologies and our various social institutions within the pages of this book. This takes us across various arenas ranging from national & international politics, development studies, institutional racism, economic inequality to criminal justice & social reform, among a host of topics. While certainly not exhaustive, the book presents readers with a comprehensive perspective on how AI is not only shaping our society today but, in turn, is being continuously reshaped by social and economic pressures.
AI can transform society as a whole, but only if we ensure that it is not at odds with the general well-being of the people. Of course, we are not naïve enough to assume that a few printed pages will bring about a systemic transformation. But we do believe that once we are conscious of the broader context in which AI and technology are evolving, we will be able to determine our own trajectories by conversing within a given framework of thought and action. We hope that through this book, the reader will be able to find a guide to action and engagement in the rapidly changing world of the Information Age and find the impact of AI on their own lives reflected within the context.

5 Star Reviews by Readers On Amazon:-

Mahek Inamdar On 17th May 2021 wrote:


 This book is a collection of some amazing and well researched essays that represents how our life is cocooned in Artificial intelligence.
The title of the books suggests that it tells us about the AI. We live in the year 2021 and this is the age of information and technology. These are the most important tool.
The introduction chapter is about the introduction of AI and digital world. It also suggests about the impact of AI in the life. The author highlights a very important topic AI. They also cover topics like the US elections of 2016, the communist party in China etc.
The book is gripping and definitely educational on the topic it deals with. Cover page is mesmerising and language is easy to understand.
Recommended to all who want information about AI.


SaNjeevKuMar On 19th May 2021 wrote :

Digital bloom

What a mind-blowing book I must say!! As being a science student, this book provides so much information regarding technological and digital way in best way possible. And it just blows my mindset that how AI or Artificial intelligence works. How this AI will be influencing our past, present and future in both positive and negative ways. Author greatly explains that this AI will definitely effects on our digital, technological and economical resources in very smooth language. Book also covers some interesting topics like how the big countries US, China will use this AI in past years which set anotherperspective regarding AI. Also, this discussion will terrify some way that will this AI take the place of all human races in future?
You have to grab this book to know more, that how this discussion will take you on a interesting, informative and technological ride!!


Nashra Mumtaz On 25th May 2021 wrote

Artificial intelligence

 This book is a scientific and technical read but the best part is that one doesn't has to have any knowledge on the said topic. The book is written in a really simple language.
The book talks about how AI is changing the current world, its affects, various beliefs and how different countries are accepting it.
The book also talks about social, economic and political issues of different countries.
Author has researched very well for this book. The book is too short but holds a vast amount of knowledge which is worthy of reading.


Mudit Kapoor On 6th June 2021 wrote :

The World as a Neural Network

As the title suggests this book is based on the concept of AI(artificial intelligence) and our future. In this book the authors have talked about how AI and digital world impact our lives. They also talked about the pros and cons of AI and how some countries like China, USA, Africa are using this technology.

Hats off to the authors for doing research work and providing us the insights on AI. The language used by the authors is simple that even a layman can understand it. The cover and the title of the book perfectly suits the content. I recommend this book to all specially those who are keen to know about AI and technology.

In nutshell, a thought provoking read.


Dr K.R.S On  12th  June 2021 wrote:

The Socio-economic dynamics of Artificial Intelligence from a global perspective

Artificial intelligence (AI) already has become an integral part of human society at large. With its wide ranging applications spanning from development of vaccines, determination of credit scores and prediction of bankruptcy, a more granular analysis of credit history, freeing of humans from the drudgery of everyday labor (albeit displacing creative human labor by machine labor), our social, economic, and political institutions are being challenged by AI in a disruptive manner that is transformative in nature.

The book, well-researched as it were, looks at the role of AI from a global perspective and posits, for instance, that the social credit model of China poses crucial questions for democracy around the world, and also what it portends for the future of the different continents of the world. Such a painstaking effort behind the book is indeed laudable. Notwithstanding the existing reach and potential for the growth of AI in terms of its socio-economic dynamics, the authors observe that technocratic solutions alone cannot address the social problems besetting the human race today.
The book helps to understand AI and its applications in the contemporary society at close quarters. A must-read title, this is.



Empower To Transform- Transform to Empower

Book Cover: Empower To Transform- Transform to Empower
Editions:Paperback - First Edition: ₹ 399.00
ISBN: 1637818564
Pages: 140
Kindle - First Edition



“Empower to Transform” is an in-depth analysis of gender inequality and some of the concepts that revolve around it. This aspect that has received a lot of attention from researchers still remains a mystery to most people. Due to the lack of understanding on the matter, most women find themselves unable to pull through from the chains that oppress and prevent them from achieving success.

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5 Star Reviews By Readers On Amazon:-

Indian Intellectual On 19th January 2021 wrote:

Recommended read for a fresh perspective

A hard hitting book on the subject of women empowerment, which shakes you up and forces to reflect on the contemporary situation.It makes you realize that its more of talk and less of action .Brownie points to authors for weaving real life incidents to bring home the point. Kudos to the detailed research and efforts put in.


Gurudas B On 31st January 2021 wrote:

Excellent book to assist social transformation

The author has highlighted with facts and figures, why women empowerment is required, how female infanticide, atrocities on women can be controlled, which are very much essential to share with the society now for continuous action and development. The importance of gender equality at home, workplace, and society must be well recognized by all while accepting diversity, ensuring women in leadership, as proposed by the author. I like the seven principles of women empowerment and five allied components as specified by the author and strongly feel people must honor such concepts. Recommend all to read this book and help to empower women to transform this world.


Renu On 2nd February 2021 wrote:

This is no ordinary self-help book

 It needs to be treated at par with a min research document. The author has taken a dispassionate view of the atrocities committed on women since time immemorial and presented her views in a rational and balanced form. The flow of chapters gives clarity and understanding to the reader. It's a book to be cherished and referred to. I know why I must speak my mind and not wilt under the gaze of expectations. Thank you for a wonderful creation.


Gayatri Pattnaik On 7th february 2021 wrote:

Must read

Before I delve into reviewing the book, I can't help but appreciate the amount of transparency and honesty this book has. It is such a well-researched book that I was impressed beyond words. 

The book is about women empowerment at large. It may be at home or workplace or nation-building. It focuses on gender equality. 

As I have mentioned before that the research put into writing the book is remarkable. For example, reference is given vide United Nations website on brutality against women, women leadership in corporates and politics etc. 

Couldn't recommend enough. 


Vishal Shujalpurkar On 23rd February 2021 wrote:-

Empower Yourselves

 It is a well written book focusing on women empowerment. Most of the women in the society still do not know that they are not treated fairly. This book addresses the issue from the very grass root level and gives us a strong message that if you wish to change the norms you need to empower yourselves.